Thursday, September 30, 2010

Manifesting Abundance - 3 Easy Tips on How to Remove Doubt When Using the Law of Attraction

When you're using the Law of Attraction, doubt is by far the biggest culprit as to why you're not successfully manifesting abundance. It is the equivalent of weeds in your garden, or pouring salt in your soil where you plant seeds, because it prevents the likelihood of any desire taking form.

Here are three easy tips to eliminate any doubt once and for all:

1) Stop focusing on the "how".
Anytime you're using the laws of reality creation for manifesting abundance, asking yourself "how" things are going to come into fruition, you will IMMEDIATELY get into your logical mind where you start questioning how possible your desires are, which induces doubt.

Always focus on the what, NEVER the "how".

2) Never resist the feeling of doubt
What happens when you get the feeling of fear or doubt that your desires will never come into fruition? You try and make it go away. When this happens, it just makes the feeling stronger and causes it to linger. Whatever you resist persists. Rather, when the feeling of doubt arises, breath deeply, feel the feeling in your body, and allow it to go through you without judging it.

When you do this, the feeling will soon pass.

3) Focus on "having" instead of "wanting"
When you're focused on "wanting" something, you're leaving the door open to fear of not ever getting it, which produces doubt of whether you're going to manifest it or not. However, if you are able to focus on what it'll feel like to already have it, you're eliminating any possibility of doubt, because your mind can't tell the difference between something "real" and something vividly imagined.

Thus, by accepting the feeling of already manifesting abundance, you're leaving no room for doubt.

Speaking of which, were you aware that there are factors OTHER than doubt that can TOTALLY screw up your chances of manifesting abundance just as much as doubt can?

One of these factors is ignorance.

You see, most people don't understand the WHOLE picture of reality creation and think that it's only about the Law of Attraction. 

This tidbit of misinformation that is spread around by many so called Law of Attraction 'gurus" has caused many people to fail at creating the reality they desire.

If you're one of them, take heart, I too was once lost, and there's nothing wrong with me or you, it's only that we weren't given enough information to successfully create our own realities.

by Ike Love

Note from Benjamin: Once you start attracting abundance to your life, the flow strengthens as you progress and draws further abundance to you. Creating abundance in the mind and emotions is the first step to achieving the results you desire and deserve, so begin the mental process now and unlock your abundance today!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Creating Abundance Through Joy - Finding Your Passion

To discover your life's vocation is to observe what you most love to do, what you seem to want to do naturally and what skills you've learned along the way. When you love what you do and you're doing what you love time goes by unnoticed; you feel fulfilled. When you are fulfilled, nothing else matters; making money doing it is immaterial to you because the driving force is joy, not money. In this state of being, you radiate joy and therefore, by the Law of Attraction, only more joy can come to you.  

So the question becomes, when you let go of your (and everyone else's) preconceived notions about who and what you should be, what are you automatically drawn to? What skills do you enjoy using? When you release what feels like effort and choose to focus only on what brings true joy to your heart, your life's work will evolve from that joy coupled with the use of your natural and learned skills.
Sometimes we have a limited perspective of what one could consider a "skill" and that can interfere with our ability to see our own gifts. Skills are not necessarily visually obvious...such as being a great artist or designing magnificent buildings. Skills are not necessarily audible such as being a musician or a great orator. Your skill and joy can come from something as simple as being an uplifter to those with whom you come in contact. Perhaps you enjoy creating beautiful environments or working with plants.  

Perhaps you like sewing or making little ornaments out of unusual pieces of wood. It doesn't matter if the world would define your skill as grand. It's how it makes you feel inside that is important. I know of a man named Colonel Sanders whose skill was hidden in a chicken recipe he had. He totally believed in the magnificence of his recipe. One day it occurred to him that others might like it as well, that perhaps he could sell it and make money. Thus Kentucky Fried Chicken was born.

Initially I had trouble identifying my passion because, "I didn't have a passion. All I wanted to do was study the higher mind teachings and figure out how to apply those to daily living." I didn't realize that this was my passion...that my niche was in my inherent ability to see the latent potential in those who aspired to know their authentic selves and to help them manifest this potential on earth. The passion was so close to my heart that I was blind to it, thinking I had to take up music or art of some sort when all I really wanted to do was find the God-Self within.   
So where is your passion hiding? Start by identifying that which brings you joy. What would you do if you didn't have to worry about money or other restrictions or obligations? Here we find the direction of your soul's work. You don't have to have a business proforma ready to produce to the world just yet. Just enjoy being in your joy! Then concentrate on using the special skills you have acquired along the way and appreciate that you have them.  

Attend to them. Make them bigger. Make the joy bigger. See how you can use those skills in other areas of your life so that you are turning all your activities into expressions of your life's work. This will begin the process of drawing opportunities to you for making money and supporting yourself.

As always, whenever you're feeling great about what you are doing, make the "greatness" bigger.  Visualize yourself becoming aware of ideas as they come to you. See yourself ready to take action when opportunity presents itself. See yourself being supported by the universe for your endeavors; making money easily and effortlessly as ideas begin to take shape. Create these pictures first; building an etheric prototype of your ideal and allowing it to morph into "the perfect idea". This will also take some of the angst out of trying too hard to hear a nebulous voice inside of you; making you more and more receptive to the plan that your soul is emitting to you. Allow your inner creativity to expand your concepts about what is possible and worry not about whether you have all the required skills to create it. 

Opportunities for further development will flow to you naturally as "next steps" as you live into your dream. Stretch your imagination, and your ability to manifest will develop as well. By milking the joy of your personal expression, by making it grand and seeing it as the seed for bringing value into the world; by appreciating the skills and talents that you already possess; by going beyond what you think is possible, you will find the key that opens the doorway to your unlimited potential.

by Diane Richard

Note from Benjamin: Once you start attracting abundance to your life, the flow strengthens as you progress and draws further abundance to you. Creating abundance in the mind and emotions is the first step to achieving the results you desire and deserve, so begin the mental process now and unlock your abundance today!

Monday, September 13, 2010

How to Manifest Abundance With Deliberate Creation and Improve Your Intuition

by Dianne M. Buxton

When I first learned about the Law of Attraction I was really exhilarated. I had had many difficulties in my life and was pretty disillusioned about everything. The prospect of gaining a foothold and recovering was slim.

I had read a little about quantum physics, and I already had observed that beliefs governed what happened in peoples' lives. I needed to improve my intuition as to how to get ahead. I had always believed that one reaps what one sows, so my focused intention became to concentrate on my son, and my daily tasks.

The main factor of turning things around started with making time for deliberate creation. The only way I could do this was to get up an hour or more earlier every morning. For a few minutes I sat and looked out at the grass and trees outside, did nothing more.

There were no manifesting courses or any "secrets" to discover. I simply reflected back on some of the inspiring writings such as "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. I didn't have a copy but I remembered the basic principles.

Currently, there are many manifesting courses available. The idea has become mainstream almost. In the traditional religions, having faith that God will provide a miracle is the stable belief.

I had a startling thought recently: all the tens or hundreds of thousands of people who buy manifesting materials DON"T BELIEVE!

Or perhaps more correctly, many believe that God is good and will provide, except not for them as an individual. Somehow they are defected or tainted in some way. They are not good enough. That's a tough one, and it really closes the door on realizing abundance and related goodness. If a person feels tortured by this idea, I think they should get professional help.

If you have arrived at the point where you want to improve your intuition, and learn how to access more positive thoughts and emotions, take some quiet time every day, and just start day dreaming. Simple, and free.

If you find that you are ready to effect a lifestyle change and use every moment of every day to keep your attention on creating the vibration of attracting money and related abundance, get a manifesting course that simplifies the process for you.

Note from Benjamin: Once you start attracting abundance to your life, the flow strengthens as you progress and draws further abundance to you. Creating abundance in the mind and emotions is the first step to achieving the results you desire and deserve, so begin the mental process now and unlock your abundance today!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How to Create Abundance in Your Life

by Gini Grey

Where do you have abundance in your life? Where don't you? It's possible to have abundance in all areas of our lives, if we can allow it to come in. When I look outside right now I see an abundance of flowers in my garden with an abundance of bees, moths and butterflies swirling around. At night there is an abundance of stars in the sky and I am reminded of the nature of the universe: ever expanding and abundant.

It is only in our minds that we create limitations to the abundance we can have and already do have in life. Watching, reading or listening to the news and woes of others, it is easy to shift into a state of fear and lack. In reality scarcity does not exist unless we believe it does. When we take the time to connect to our inner truth and listen to our hearts, we know that we have everything we need right in this moment and can bring whatever we need into the next moment.

When we get focused on the distant future, wondering if we will have our needs met, it is easy to slip into speculation and doubt which can spiral into fear and worry. Re-focusing on the here and now and checking to see if all our current needs are being met, brings us back into a state of ease.

Insights Into Your Levels of Abundance

Reflect on these questions to see how you prevent or create more abundance in your life:
  • Do you spend more time focusing on what you do have, or on begrudging what you don't have in life? Notice how you feel when you focus on what you don't have - is this emotional, physical, mental state likely to bring you what you want, or keep you stuck in a state of lack?

  • In the areas where you do have abundance in your life, what are the reasons you can have this abundance (start with obvious surface reasons and then move to underlying beliefs about yourself and the world that support you in having this abundance).

  • In the areas where you don't have abundance and would like to have more, explore your reasons why you don't have what you want (once you've finished blaming you're boss, spouse, kids, government and the universe for getting in the way, move to your core beliefs about yourself that undermine you).

Inspiring Exercises to Create Abundance in Your Life
  • Center within yourself and imagine having all the abundance you want in your life - let yourself see, feel and experience this. Now ask yourself, what beliefs you would need to hold about yourself in order to attract this abundance into your life.

  • Find three ways to incorporate these supporting beliefs into your daily life and practice these until they become automatic (there's writing affirmations on post-it-notes, visualizing daily and so on, see if you can come up with any other creative ways to remind yourself daily of your truth).

  • Set time aside each day to reflect on all the things you do have in your life and what you are grateful for, as what you focus on grows and being in a state of gratitude will not only feel good, but will give you the confidence to create more.
As you practice focusing on the abundance that already exists in your life, you will attract more abundance. And as you shift your limiting, scarcity, beliefs into supportive, abundant beliefs, you will live an abundant life.

Note from Benjamin: Once you start attracting abundance to your life, the flow strengthens as you progress and draws further abundance to you. Creating abundance in the mind and emotions is the first step to achieving the results you desire and deserve, so begin the mental process now and unlock your abundance today!