Friday, November 12, 2010

Scarcity Vs Abundance

There are two schools of thought about money. One is that we need to protect our money, save it for a rainy day, because there is a limited amount of it. In other words, money is scarce. Opportunities are also scarce, so we need to protect the opportunities we have, keep them to ourselves, and never share. This is the theory of scarcity. Since there is only so much to go around, we better protect what we have and keep it to ourselves.

The other school of thought is that there is a never-ending supply of money and of opportunities. Rather than save our money, we should invest it. Rather than keep opportunities to ourselves, we should share them with others. And if one opportunity passes us by, there will be another opportunity coming right after it.

There is a great parable in the Bible about these two theories. It is called the parable of the talents. A talent, of course, was a denomination of money in Biblical times. A master was going away on a trip and he needed someone to take care of his money while he was away. He decided to split it up among three money managers. To the first, he gave one talent. To the second, he gave two talents. And to the third, he gave five talents.

When he returned from his trip he asked the money managers to give an accounting of the money. The manager who had the five talents told the master that he had wisely invested the funds and there were now ten talents. The manager who had two talents had done similarly and had turned the two talents into four. But the manager who had one talent did something different. Rather than invest it, he buried it in the ground. He knew the master would be unhappy if he lost the money and so instead of investing it, he saved it.

The master was most unhappy with this manager and called him a wicked and slothful servant. He took the talent from that manager and gave it to the manager who had the ten talents. Then he said something very interesting. He said, "For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken awa even that which he hath."
There are many things to be learned from this parable, but the one I would focus on today is that when we think in terms of abundance, we will always have more. And when we think in terms of scarcity, whatever we have we will lose.

Some of you are saying now, "Well, I never think in terms of scarcity. I always want to invest." But I believe that most of us, while wanting to think abundantly, frequently think in terms of scarcity. I know I have to continually remind myself to think in terms of abundance. After all, my parents grew up during the Great Depression, a time when scarcity ruled the world.

Let me give you and example of scarcity thinking that I encounter frequently, and find myself doing at times. This is example is what I call "Shopping for the Best Price." This happens when we in a store or talking to a service provider (e.g., an attorney or accountant) and we focus on the cost of the service or the item. That is an example of a scarcity mentality. 

A person thinking from an abundance point of view instead would be focusing on the value of the item or the service. "How can this item or service improve my life?" Is the cost fair compared to the value? This is different than focusing solely on the cost...

by Thomas Wheelwright

Note from Benjamin: Once you start attracting abundance to your life, the flow strengthens as you progress and draws further abundance to you. Creating abundance in the mind and emotions is the first step to achieving the results you desire and deserve, so begin the mental process now and unlock your abundance today!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Attracting Abundance - 7 Characteristics of Top Achievers

Attracting abundance is probably a dream most people share and yet few seem to master the art.

How do top achievers manage their energy? What kind of thoughts do they fill their head with? What are they focusing upon? What kind of beliefs do they have? How do they make choices?

Here is a short list of the most important characteristics of how top achievers are attracting abundance:
  1. Top achievers are optimists. They focus on the bright side of everything. They chose to believe that things tend to work out well. They do not let fear influence what and how they chose, nor their focus.
  2. Top achievers envision what they want, set goals and take positive steps to make their dreams come true. They firmly believe that as long as they do their best to get what they want, things will work out just fine.
  3. They are thoughtful, loving, kind and straightforward with everyone. They chose to think positively about other people and resist passing on negative judgments on someone - included themselves.
  4. Frustrations are dealt with positively, not dwelled upon. Top achievers take frustrations as challenges that help them to grow and move forward.
  5. Successful people enjoy and live within the present moment. Neither do they dwell upon the past, nor throwing away too much of their valuable time just dreaming about the future.
  6. They listen to their heart and their own motivation and follow this, rather than some limiting, conceptual beliefs about how things should be. They chose to trust their gut feeling.
  7. Top achievers take full responsibility of their own actions. They ask for help from others when they realize they have more knowledge and experience than themselves, but when it comes to making choices they take the full responsibility no matter the outcome. They have realized that blaming others will not bring them closer to what they want.
Maybe you think this is too simple to be true, that there has to be a hidden secret somewhere. The fact is that the principles of attracting abundance are simple. It is we human beings that complicate things. You may have heard that simplicity is the best? Well, it's true. Make it simple and so it will be. 

However, when coming from a negative programming of your mind it may be a challenge to reprogram it. It is a challenge well worth dealing with if creating abundance sounds intriguing to you and you decide to become one of the top achievers.

by Aase Koppergaard

Note from Benjamin: Once you start attracting abundance to your life, the flow strengthens as you progress and draws further abundance to you. Creating abundance in the mind and emotions is the first step to achieving the results you desire and deserve, so begin the mental process now and unlock your abundance today!