Monday, August 30, 2010

Living With an Abundance Attitude

by Terry Sercast

I sum up an abundance attitude in 5 short words:

Being, Giving, Loving, Experiencing, and Growing

Each of these words do have profound meanings which I go into on the page but right now I'm going to give you a short meaning to each of them so, if you are just reading this article you will still have the ability to create your own abundance attitude.

Being, is simply just letting yourself go and accepting everything around you and especially in your mind. Focusing on one thing...the moment.

Giving, by giving you are saying that there are more important things than your own emotions and that goes miles. If you give you immediately feel a sense of satisfaction...that is giving.

Loving, is there somebody in your life that you love? That you truly and deeply love? Show them every single day, show them every time they look in your eyes, have those beautiful thoughts and allow yourself to love another. In loving another you are loving yourself.

Experiencing, this goes hand in hand with learning, the more you learn the more you'll experience. This will allow you to develop as a person and live!

Growing, if you seriously take solid steps in these directions, then there is no place for you to go but out. You will grow and you will see the world in different ways, those thoughts you thought you'd never have as a just might.

An abundance attitude is not a possession, it is not something you can own. It is something you live with. A perspective that you choose to see through, therefore, another product will not get you an abundance attitude, nor will another person; simply you and your own thoughts and experience could humble you to the point of living through an abundance attitude.

Note from Benjamin: Once you start attracting abundance to your life, the flow strengthens as you progress and draws further abundance to you. Creating abundance in the mind and emotions is the first step to achieving the results you desire and deserve, so begin the mental process now and unlock your abundance today!

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