Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Law of Attraction - How Thought Waves Can Create Abundance and Healing Power

You can transmit actual thought waves that can create abundance and healing power. Most people don't understand this, but most people don't have any idea how their cell phone or TV transmits energy either, and yet everyone knows it's so. You can feel thought vibrations emanating from extraordinarily happy people or from very negative people. You can take Kirlian photos of energy fields created by dominant thoughts, and you can see the differences between various thought vibrations in these photos.

The Quality of the Energy You Send and Receive Affects Your Life

Science often corroborates what mystics and seers have understood for years - that you are an actual sender and receiver of energy, frequency, or vibration, and the quality of the energy you send and receive affects your life in powerful ways. A number of people have read about the Law of Attraction, and everyone is using it every minute of every day. The trick is to use it with awareness so you can attract and send out energies of the most positive and life-affirming kinds. 

If you are aware of this sending and receiving talent that you're born with, you can attract more income, more harmonious relationships, better health, and much more happiness. You need to become aware of the quality of the thoughts you're thinking and how you're using the gifts of thought transmission that you're given as your birthright.

What are Your Dominant Thoughts?

Do you have any particular repetitive thoughts that you know are bringing you less-than-stellar results? Are you thinking about being a great success - or just the opposite? Are you thinking about all the blessings you have in your life - or what you don't have? Are you thinking about the good qualities of your mate - or about what's wrong? Are you concentrating on the contributions you might make to your own life, the lives of others, and the world - or are you thinking that you might not have anything to offer? If you take a good look at the thoughts you're sending out and transmitting, would you actually feel good about them? See if you can shift them so that you actually feel uplifted by the quality of the thoughts in your mind.

Creating Empowerment

Now that would be a most wonderful thing to do! Becoming aware in this way creates empowerment in you. You're not at the effect of the notion of some whim or force that's controlling you, but you actually have some measure of personal power in shaping your life!

by Marilyn B. Gordon

Note from Benjamin: Once you start attracting abundance to your life, the flow strengthens as you progress and draws further abundance to you. Creating abundance in the mind and emotions is the first step to achieving the results you desire and deserve, so begin the mental process now and unlock your abundance today!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Attracting Abundance With A Few Simple Logical Steps

Most people think that the idea of attracting abundance with your conscious and subconscious minds is phony, won't work, and not actually able to bring about prosperity into reality.
However, with just a few simple, logical steps, you can begin creating abundance and achieve greater success in many areas of your life using this long-standing method.

For hundreds of years, people have used the powerful concept of positive affirmation to first change their thinking habits and then their daily actions. By doing so, people have increased their health, their level of energy, their financial success, and overall happiness.

If you are ready for a little inspiration in your life, now is the time that you can learn for yourself your own personal source of inspiration to get what you want in your life.

The first key to attracting abundance and prosperity is to be aware of what you think about. Your words are formed from thoughts and feelings. This is where the first change in your life can begin.

When your thoughts are constantly focusing on not having enough, you will never attract abundance. If the runner of a race tells himself he failed to train long enough, that he is so tired and should just give up, his physical body and surroundings will comply with his subconscious wishes. If he pushes himself and thinks encouraging thoughts to himself, how do you think the outcome will differ?

In relation to step one, you must dispose of all your un-motivational beliefs that you live with. You have now recognized your lack, toss those thoughts into a mental garbage can, and never open the lid again!

This essential imperative step to attracting abundance is a difficult one for some people to master, particularly for each of those who have naturally negative thoughts and attitudes. Ask for the universe to focus the thoughts of your conscious (and subconscious) mind toward abundant thinking and not what you lack.

If you create a consistently positive emotional outlook on life, this belief will transformed into the existence of money, new loving relationships, and other forms of successful manifestations that you can adopt a new gratitude for.

The final step is to be grateful. This is a very important part of attracting abundance. Even if you have not yet seen everything manifest itself to you, pay attention to what blessings you already have.

The secret to attracting abundance and manifesting more wealth and other successes is not to beg and plead for more but to be happy with everything you have and think positively about what you can attract with your new new-found attitudes and habits.

Do you want to attract abundance and wealth into your life? Then you must master your mindset and learn how to harness the astonishing power of thought and become who you really are. 

by Ralph J. Anderson, Jr.

Note from Benjamin: Once you start attracting abundance to your life, the flow strengthens as you progress and draws further abundance to you. Creating abundance in the mind and emotions is the first step to achieving the results you desire and deserve, so begin the mental process now and unlock your abundance today!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Secret of Attracting Abundance - How to Unlock It

Why is it that some people seem to get everything they want, being successful in their personal, professional and financial life while others are struggling day by day, never being able to make ends meet and live a life of struggle?

Is it that some people are favored by God or just luckier than others? If this is what you have been taught to believe, you have been told a lie. Not only is this lie founded on ignorance of how the laws of the universe work, but this erroneous concept has shaped your life with a handicap right from the beginning and it has kept your success at bay.

What you need is to learn and understand the secret of attracting abundance and how to unlock it!

Everything in the universe is energy. We, as humans, our thoughts, our feelings and our actions are all energy and the law of the universe says that what we send out is what we get back in return.

The first question you need to ask yourself is what kind of energy am I sending out there? Is it a positive energy or a negative one? This is the first secret of attracting abundance and how to unlock it.

If you throw a ball against a wall it will come back to you at the same energy level that you threw it with. If you've thrown the ball with force it will bounce back to you with the same force. If you've thrown the ball against the wall with very little force (very little energy) it will get back to you with the same little force. The ball will get back to you with the exact same energy you have thrown it with.

This happens because the ball that you are sending against the wall and the force you are using to throw it are following the laws of the universe. The energy of every living thing and non-living thing in the universe is ruled by energy, which behaves according to its laws.

It is up to you to use this knowledge and the energy that you send out to bring more abundance into your life. Easier said than done you might say? That is true; if you don't know how. The missing link between you and the abundance that you wish to attract is knowledge and how to apply this knowledge the right way.

by Sophie Tony

Note from Benjamin: Once you start attracting abundance to your life, the flow strengthens as you progress and draws further abundance to you. Creating abundance in the mind and emotions is the first step to achieving the results you desire and deserve, so begin the mental process now and unlock your abundance today!